AFP historical and archaeological publications
Bilyayeva S. 2006. Some problems of reconstruction of the planning structure: from the experience of the investigation of the Port Yard of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress. Proceedings of the 10th A. Krymsky Readings in Oriental Studies, Kyiv, 5–6 October 2006. Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Oriental Studies, 129–31 (in Ukrainian)
Біляєева С. 2006. Деякі проблеми реконструкції планувальної структури: з досвіду досліджень Портового двору Білгород-Дністровської фортеці. Х. Сходознавчі читання А. Кримського. Тези доповідей. Київ, 5-6 жовтня 2006 р. Київ: Інститут сходознавства НАНУ, 129-31
Bilyayeva S. 2006. Ukraine and the Ottoman Empire: some special features of contacts and integration of culture. Turcica et Ottomanica. Moscow: Izdatel'sto Vostochnoi literatury, 2006, 141-49 (in Russian)
Биляeва С. 2006. Украина и Османская империя: некоторые особенности контактов и интеграции культур. Turcica et Ottomanica. Mосква: Издательство востной литераруты, 2006, 141-49
Bilyayeva S., Boltryk. Iu., Ersoy B., Fialko O., Karashevych I. 2006. Investigations on the territory of the Port Yard of the Akkerman fortress in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi of the Odessa oblast in 2005. Archaeological Research in Ukraine in 2004–2005. Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Archaeology, 71–75 (in Ukrainian)
Біляєева С., Болтрик Ю., Ерсой Б., Фіалко О., Карашевич І 2006. Дослідження на території Портового двору Аккерманської фортеці у м. Білгороді–Дністровському Одеської області у 2005р. Археологічні дослідження в Україні у 2004–2005 рр. Київ: Інститут археології НАНУ, 71-75
Bilyayeva S., Fialko O., Karashevych I. 2006. Glass of windows in the system of architectural reconstruction (the Ottoman bath-house of the Akkerman fortress). New investigations in the Cossack era in Ukraine. No. 15. Kyiv, 277-85 (in Ukrainian)
Біляєева С., Фіалко O., Карашевич І. Віконниці в системі архітектурних реконструкцій (османська лазня Аккерманської фортеці). Нові дослідження козацької доби в Україні, вип. 15. Київ, 277-85
Bilyayeva S., Finkel C., Ostapchuk V. 2006. Archaeological investigation and documentary study of Aqkerman fortress. Fondation Max van Berchem Bulletin 20, 4-6
Bilyayeva S., Karashevych I. 2006. Some aspects of mapping and investigation of the Turkish monuments of culture on the territory of the North Black Sea area. The Northern Black Sea Area and the Crimea in the Mediaeval period (14th-17th c.). Kirovohrad, 19-27 (in Ukrainian)
Біляєева С., Карашевич І. 2006. Деякі аспекти картографування та вивчення пам’яток турецької культури на території Північного Причорномор”я. Північне Причорномор’я і Криму у добу середньовіччя (ХІV-ХVII ст.). Кіровоград, 19-27
Caroline Finkel, Victor Ostapchuk, Svitlana Bilyayeva, James Mathieu 2006. Historical-archaeological investigations in Aqkerman fortress, Ukraine (2006). Anatolian Archaeology 12, 9–12
Bilyayeva S. 2007. The main types of smoking pipes from the excavation of 2006. Proceedings of 11th A. Krymsky Readings in Oriental Studies. (Kyiv, forthcoming 2007) (in Ukrainian)
Finkel Caroline, Bilyayeva Svitlana, Haddlesey Richard, Mathieu James, Ostapchuk Victor 2007. Historical-archaeological investigations in Akkerman fortress, Ukraine 2007. Anatolian Archaeology 13, 11-14
Bilyayeva S.O., Boltryk Iu.V., Karashevych I.V., Fialko O.Ie., Ersoy B., Kuyulu-Ersoy I., Ürer H., Uçar H., Finkel C., Ostapchuk V., Mathieu, J. 2007. Research of the International expedition in 2006 at the Akkerman fortress (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi). Archaeological research in Ukraine 2005-2007. Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Archaeology, 96-98
Біляєева С.О., Болтрик Ю.В., Карашевич І.В., Фіалко О.Є., Ерсой В., Куйулу-Ерсой І., Урер Г., Учар Г., Фінкел К., Матью Дж., Остапчук В. 2007. Дослідження Міжнародної експедиції у 2006 р. в Аккерманській фортеці (м. Білгород-Дністровський). Археологічні дослідження в Україні у 2005-2007 pр. Київ: Інститут археології НАНУ, 96-98
Boltryk Iu., Fialko. O. 2007. Jewelry from the excavation of the port yard of the Akkerman fortress. Cossack Times. Kyiv (forthcoming, in Ukrainian)
Boltryk Iu., Fialko. O. 2007. Jewelry from the excavation of the port yard of the Akkerman fortress. Birinci uluslararası Avrasya arkeoloji kongresi, 21-24 Mayıs 2007, İzimir, Tebliğler / First International Congress of Eurasian Archaeology, Proceedings. 21-24 May 2007, Izmir (forthcoming, in Russian)
Болтрик Ю., Фиалко Е. 2007. Ювелирные изделия из раскопок Портового двора Аккерманской крепости. Birinci uluslararası Avrasya arkeoloji kongresi, 21-24 Mayıs 2007, İzimir, Tebliğler / First International Congress of Eurasian Archaeology, Proceedings. 21-24 May 2007, Izmir
Finkel, C., Bilyayeva, S., Ostapchuk V., 2008. Historical-archaeological investigations at Akkerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky) fortress, Ukraine, 2008. Anatolian Archaeology 14, 8-10
Ostapchuk V., Bilyayeva S. 2009. The Ottoman Northern Black Sea frontier at Akkerman Fortress: The view from a historical and archaeological project. The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. London: Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press, 137-70
Finkel, C. 2009. Afterword to The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. London: Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press, 539-50
AFP unpublished presentations and lectures.
Ostapchuk, V. The spade, GPS and the defter as tools in the study of the Ottoman Black Sea Frontier. American Research Institute in Turkey (Istanbul, 25 June 2007)
Bilyayeva, S. Interactions between Turkish and Ukrainian culture, 16th to 18th century. 13th International Congress of Turkish Art (Budapest, 3-9 September 2007)
Finkel, C., Ostapchuk, V. Ottoman borrowing and development of artillery resistant fortification technology: The case of northern Black Sea fortresses in the 18th century as viewed through documentary sources and archaeology. 13th International Congress of Turkish Art (Budapest, 3-9 September 2007)
Bilyayeva, S. The monuments of Turkish architecture in Ukraine: past and nowadays. 38th International Conference of Asian and North African Studies (Ankara, 10-15 September 2007)
Finkel, C. Outposts of empire: Ottoman fortresses of the northern Black Sea frontier. Anglo-Turkish Society (London, 16 October 2007). Summary on ATS website:
Bilyayeva, S. The main types of smoking pipes from the excavation of 2006. 11th A. Krymsky Readings in Oriental Studies (Kyiv, 2007)
Finkel, C. Defending the empire: the fortress of Akkerman and other Ottoman fortifications of the northern Black Sea frontier. British Institute at Ankara AGM lecture (London, 12 November 2007)
Finkel, C., Peacock, A. The frontiers of the Ottoman world. British Academy Board for Academy-Sponsored Institutes and Societies (BASIS) showcase event, ‘Evolving Societies’ (London, 15 November 2007)
Ostapchuk, V. Ottoman Realities Viewed from the Defter and the Dig: Convergences and Divergences at the Fortress of Akkerman. 5th Great Lakes Ottomanist Workshop (GLOW) (University of Notre Dame, 11-13 April 2008)
Ostapchuk V 2009. Reconstructing the Fortress of Akkerman. The 13th Annual Workshop On Ottoman Material Culture ‘War and devastation in the Qing and Ottoman Empires’ (Boğaziçi University, 12-13 June 2009)